Server Youlikehits Down
Server Youlikehits Down - Masih ingat dengan Youlikehits sob? sebuah situs yang menyediakan like gratis buat facebook, G+, youtube, dll..Baru-baru ini mengalami server down. Database mereka telah hancur di server yang mereka gunakan. Youlikehits akan dibangun kembali dari awal sehingga bagi anggotanya harus mendaftar lagi. Bagi yang sudah membeli point, masih bisa dikembalikan lagi pointnya. Masalah ini sangat serius bagi youlikehits, akan tetapi pihak youlikehits akan mencoba memperbaiki database yang corrupt tersebut. Berikut kutipannya:
"We are currently attempting to repair a corrupt database backup. If we're successful then YouLikeHits will be back to the way it was before without any issues. If we're unsuccessful then we will require everyone to resign up again to YouLikeHits. We will give some free points to everyone and re-add points that were purchased if necessary.
Thank you to everyone for the support.

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Server Youlikehits Down
Rating: 4.5

"We are currently attempting to repair a corrupt database backup. If we're successful then YouLikeHits will be back to the way it was before without any issues. If we're unsuccessful then we will require everyone to resign up again to YouLikeHits. We will give some free points to everyone and re-add points that were purchased if necessary.
Thank you to everyone for the support.
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Server Youlikehits Down
Rating: 4.5
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