TEAK 123 best teak garden furniture manufacturer wholesale in Indonesia
Do you know about http://www.teak123.com/ website?maybesome have known and maybe some have never visited. Well through this article, i will introduces what teak123.com is. Start from its motto: TEAK 123 best teak garden furniture manufacturer wholesale in Indonesia
Now from its motto, you already know who they are.
If you still doubt who they are, you must read the information below:
Company Name : TeAK 123
Contact Person : Ms. Dwi N. , Spd.
Ms. Yanti, SE
Mrs. Sylvia, SE
Factory 1- Teak Outdoor : Jl. Proklamasi #17 – Bondo – Mlonggo – Jepara
Factory Manager : Zahari, ST
Factory 2- Teak Outdoor : Ds. Kedung Lamping – Mlonggo – Jepara
Factory Manager : Suprianto
Phone : +62-81 222 123 123, +62 81 214 000 123
Fax : +62-231- 237788
Website :
E-mail : info@teak123.com, marketing@teak123.com
Skype : hawanove
YahooMessenger : teak_123@yahoo.co.id ,sylvia_sjiulan
MSN : teak123@live.com , franscirebon@hotmail.com
Production Capacity : 20 x 40” containers / month
Delivery Time : 45 – 75 days
Payment Term : At sight irrevocable LC, T/T with 40% DownPayment, CAD
Export Markets : France, Italy, Belgium, Germany, South Africa, USA, etc
Brand Name : Mega collection, TeAK123
teak123 located at Jepara, as you know Jepara is the most famous wood carving centre in Indonesia. Most of the people on Jepara dedicated on carving.
The teak123 Product
Products offered by teak123 was fantastic, teak123 products are made with very carefully, all the joints with very strong epoxy adhesives. All products are made with the highest standards quality, made with the details very carefully, the machines are highly sophisticated and competent craftsman in his field. back to its motto TEAK 123 best teak garden furniture manufacturer wholesale in Indonesia
teak123 Products
1. Teak chair - some models are available here. Quite different models and types, and certainly very strong and very durable as they are made from the material of choice. Here are some types:
2. Teak table - A very high artistic creations. The unique design, as well as a charming display can be felt at the teak table offered by teak123. Several types of tables like below:
3. Teak benches - The designs are very attractive, powerful and resistant to termites. Some designs are offered:
4. Teak lounger - Do you feel sleepy now? its time to try teak lounger as below:
its very very fantastics offer, TEAK 123 best teak garden furniture manufacturer wholesale in Indonesia
Now from its motto, you already know who they are.
If you still doubt who they are, you must read the information below:
Company Name : TeAK 123
Contact Person : Ms. Dwi N. , Spd.
Ms. Yanti, SE
Mrs. Sylvia, SE
Factory 1- Teak Outdoor : Jl. Proklamasi #17 – Bondo – Mlonggo – Jepara
Factory Manager : Zahari, ST
Factory 2- Teak Outdoor : Ds. Kedung Lamping – Mlonggo – Jepara
Factory Manager : Suprianto
Phone : +62-81 222 123 123, +62 81 214 000 123
Fax : +62-231- 237788
Website :
E-mail : info@teak123.com, marketing@teak123.com
Skype : hawanove
YahooMessenger : teak_123@yahoo.co.id ,sylvia_sjiulan
MSN : teak123@live.com , franscirebon@hotmail.com
Production Capacity : 20 x 40” containers / month
Delivery Time : 45 – 75 days
Payment Term : At sight irrevocable LC, T/T with 40% DownPayment, CAD
Export Markets : France, Italy, Belgium, Germany, South Africa, USA, etc
Brand Name : Mega collection, TeAK123
teak123 located at Jepara, as you know Jepara is the most famous wood carving centre in Indonesia. Most of the people on Jepara dedicated on carving.
The teak123 Product
Products offered by teak123 was fantastic, teak123 products are made with very carefully, all the joints with very strong epoxy adhesives. All products are made with the highest standards quality, made with the details very carefully, the machines are highly sophisticated and competent craftsman in his field. back to its motto TEAK 123 best teak garden furniture manufacturer wholesale in Indonesia
teak123 Products
1. Teak chair - some models are available here. Quite different models and types, and certainly very strong and very durable as they are made from the material of choice. Here are some types:
2. Teak table - A very high artistic creations. The unique design, as well as a charming display can be felt at the teak table offered by teak123. Several types of tables like below:
3. Teak benches - The designs are very attractive, powerful and resistant to termites. Some designs are offered:
4. Teak lounger - Do you feel sleepy now? its time to try teak lounger as below:
its very very fantastics offer, TEAK 123 best teak garden furniture manufacturer wholesale in Indonesia
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BalasHapussemangat teruss ya gann..
BalasHapusmanteb nih, semangat gan! :D
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BalasHapus@ TituitBom siap gan..tengkiyuuu
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BalasHapusyup sob makasih doanya, semoga sobat Rizky juga menang dalam kontes TEAK 123 best teak garden furniture manufacturer wholesale in Indonesia
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BalasHapus@Pradisz Wardhana yup sob, kontes SEO TEAK 123 best teak garden furniture manufacturer wholesale in Indonesia cuma iseng aja hehe
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@gamat hiks..kapan mejeng di pejwan :'(
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